Innostunutta ihmettelyä
Aamuherääminen Kreikassa, Thessalonikissa☀️ Yksi maailman historia pursuavista maista on tässä ja nyt, olen päässyt maahan, josta olen haaveillut vuosia❤️
Aamupalan jälkeen kipsuttelen painavan laukun kanssa rautatieasemalle. Hyvin pelasi mm. Whatsup puhelu kotimaahan 👍 Matkalaukku oli rikkoutunut lentokoneesta saamisen jälkeen eli malttia, voimaa ja kekseliäisyyttä tarvittiin. Oikeasti... Kristiina ystäväiseni, onko totta että minä törmään poimulehteen Thessalonikin kadulla?
Junamatka Larissaan antoi katsauksen Kreikan yhdestä elinkeinosta eli maataloudesta. Herkullisen näköisten hedelmäpensaiden ja -puiden lisäksi näkyi kuivuneita peltoja, pensaita ja puita, joita näkyi myös Suomessa tänä kesänä. Hotellilla normaali huoneen lattioiden yms. paikkojen pesu jotta voi asettautua ”kodiksi” vajaaksi kahdeksi viikoksi. Lapseni arvasivat heti, mitä teen ensimmäisenä majapaikassani😂
Kun tämä Erasmus matka alla olevilla sisällöillä on suoritettu, olen syväoppinut 👩🎓 yhdessä kahden kroatialaisen 🇭🇷 ja yhden unkarilaisen 🇭🇺 kanssa💞
Awaking in Greece, Thessaloniki☀️I am now in the land what is full of history.
After breakfast I walked to railwaystation with my heavy bag, which has broken after I got it from the aeroplane. My friend Kristiina, it it true that Alchemilla spp. grows beside street in Greece?
By train to Larissa showed me that agriculture is powerfull in Greece. I could see that the hot summer (Like in Finland too) made bad damages to the farmers😢 When I arrived to hotel was it time to clean the room before I can be there So long time😂 My children knows me 😂
Below are the things what we are doing and studying here in Larissa. After all that has been done, I have got a new graduate 👩🎓 together with the other ladies from Croatia 🇭🇷 and Hungary 🇭🇺 💞
• Understanding of communication channels and collaboration environments.
• Improving the participants’ leadership skills and sense of initiative.
• Understanding how international actions and partnership projects can be incorporated into lessons and school curriculum.
• Understanding monitoring and evaluation strategies and mastering tools for them.
• Developing communication, collaboration, presentation, problem solving, negotiation, critical and creative thinking skills.
• Understanding dissemination channels and their benefits.
• Boosting participants’ confidence in international communication and collaboration as well as in project management.
• Enhancing understanding of the potential international collaboration actions and projects have in education and opportunities they provide.
• Enhancing professional skills through mastering tools for virtual communication and collaboration.
• Providing and exercising creative ideas and practical resources for successful implementation of projects and international collaboration actions in education in different school settings (arts and crafts, science, language, citizenship, computer science, management, etc.) to be used with pupils as well as with staff.
• Improving English fluency (official language of the course).
• Promoting intercultural awareness.
• Sharing experiences of international collaboration and partnership projects from different organizations in order to help each of us to be more effective in our work.
• Developing the online collaboration platform for preparation, dissemination and networking in order to develop future partnerships and projects.
• Strengthening the European collaboration among people partnership projects in education in different contexts.
• Providing insights into different education systems.
#erasmusplus #kansainvälinenouluopisto #kvtoimintaouluopisto #aikuiskoulutus #adulteducation #Ouluopisto #Oulu
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